a5c7b9f00b A mysterious and powerful hero of the classic kind, Buddy isskilled with his guitarhe is with his samurai sword. Thrown together with a kid whom he saves in a spectacular battle, the two of them must now escape their enemies and reach &quot;Lost Vegas,&quot; the rock &#39;n&#39; roll capital of this future world. In the post-apocalyptic world of 1960s Nevada, a rock &#39;n&#39; roll samurai on his way to Lost Vegas takes a young orphan boy under his protectionDeath and his metalhead Horsemen chase after them. Imagine a Post-Apocalyptic Spaghetti-Western/Samurai/Kung Fu/Rock&amp;Roll movie, and you&#39;ve got at least a vague idea of what Six-String Samurai is all about.<br/><br/>Within the first 10 mintutes, I counted nearly 10 direct references to other films: Road Warrior, A Boy and His Dog, The Dollars Trilogy, The Seven Samurai, Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, and others. Six-String Samurai is clearly having fun with the movies it&#39;s stealing from, creating a pastiche of cult cinema.<br/><br/>By the way, anybody who thinks the kid is annoying has most likely never seen Eraserhead… and probably didn&#39;t get that the kid character in this film is a ripoff of the &quot;Feral Kid&quot; character from Road Warrior.<br/><br/>The only problem I can see with Six-String Samurai is that it was made by movie buffs for movie buffs. That&#39;s fine for film historians like my husband and me. But it might be alienating for more normal viewers. Still, how can you not love watching Samurai and Kung Fu action set to surf guitar? I honestly didn&#39;t think I would like this movie when I went to see it, but it ended up being the most memorable movie I have seen to date. Parts were very strange, however Buddy is by far the coolest character I have ever seen. Jeffrey Falcon was spectacular, the story was fun, and the soundtrack was awesome. It is a great film if you give it a chance.
Kensgrabenov Admin replied
337 weeks ago